Saturday, 9 May 2009


There is nothing more powerful than experiencing something for yourself and then sharing that experience with others.
This series of YouTube videos will take you around 60 minutes to watch, but they are incredibly interesting.
Here is Dr Nelson...

I would be happy to give a 'Japanese Rollout' using the magcreator to anyone who would like to experience it.
Call me in the UK on 0788 645 0414
Email me on
It's completely free, and you will feel wonderfully relaxed after a rollout.

St. George, Utah – May 5, 2009 – Among its honorees for the annual Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, the North American Bookdealers Exchange (NABE) has named Dr. Bradley Nelson, of St. George, Utah, as a recipient for 2008 in the self-help category. In its 25th year of being awarded, the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award recognizes the most outstanding books published by NABE members.

Nelson, a chiropractic physician, craniopath and holistic healer, is the author of the “The Emotion Code,” a groundbreaking book that has helped thousands worldwide to heal their emotional scars, unload their emotional baggage and move forward in life in ways they never dreamed possible, without spending hours in a counselor’s office. Dr. Nelson’s techniques of finding, identifying and releasing emotional blocks have proven effective in treating such psychological and emotional ailments as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.

In his book, Nelson teaches others his profound yet simple methods of finding and releasing trapped emotions – pockets of negative energy that can close off the heart and inhibit the flow of love, success and health in a person’s life. Most can relate to the plight of having a past trauma or heartache that resurfaces again and again, causing emotional pain and discomfort years after the experience happened. Dr. Nelson teaches readers how to rid their lives of negative energies caused by those painful past experiences – energies that can become lodged in the body, as real as a tumor and just as damaging to one’s spiritual and emotional well-being.

In addition to teaching and personally treating patients, Nelson conducts Emotion Code seminars and lectures throughout the world. Thousands are singing the praises of “The Emotion Code” and the miraculous healing that comes from putting its teachings into practice.

Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed this hour with Dr Nelson. It has been intriguing, unusual in places and thought provoking. I hope you have enjoyed it. I'm sure that Deb will be buying the book!

Please call me for more information.
UK 0788 645 0414

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